Fix A Leak is a heavy suspension and must be shaken thoroughly, before use.
The filter must be bypassed, in order to prevent the Fix A Leak, from being filtered out. Set the multiport valve to recirculate. If this cannot be done, with a D.E. or cartridge filter, simply remove the D.E. Filter element or filter cartridge and allow the water to flow through the empty filter tank.
Fix A Leak should be added to the skimmer, main drain or other water intake, while the pump is running, in recirculate mode. For suction leaks, characterized by an aerated return flow, refer to the directions below.
Because Fix A Leak is so heavy, it will tend to sink to the floor, upon returning to the pool or spa. Set the water intake to close off the skimmers and use only the main drain. If there is no main drain, attach the pool vacuum to a skimmer and set in the deep end or center of the pool. Brush occasionally, about every 3-4 hours, while the pump is running, to help keep the product in suspension. Run the pump continuously, until there is an indication that the leaking has stopped.
To monitor progress, make the water level with a piece of tape. Check daily for 2-4 days, while maintaining pump operation and occasional brushing. Some small water losses can be attributed to evaporation, so compare the losses before and after the Fix A Leak addition.
Once the leak appears to have been stopped, make sure that you allow 2-4 days for the product to cure. Fix A Leak forms a crust, as it is carried out with the leaking water. This is what makes the seal. It has to completely dry out, to cure to a long-lasting seal. Normal filter operation can resume, after the leak has been determined to have been stopped. This leak-sealing crust forms on the outside of the pool, spa shell or pipes. Draining of the pool or spa is not necessary. The excess Fix A Leak will be removed, with the resumption of normal filtration and the vacuuming and/or brushing of the pool or spa floor.
Return the multiport valve to the filtering position and resume filtration. Backwash daily for the next 2-3 days, while brushing the floor. Cartridge filters should be cleaned daily, for the next 2-3 days, while brushing the floor occasionally. Never allow the wet cartridge dry out, without a complete cleaning rinse, D.E. filters resume normal operation, brush or vacuum the pool floor and clean the filter out in 2-3 days or if the pressure rises too high. Don't allow the filter grids to dry out, before completely rinsing free of the removed excess Fix A Leak.